News Telegram Your Home Page

If your browser is Netscape Navigator...

  1. Pull down the Options menu and select General Preferences.
  2. Select the Appearance tab.
  3. In the Startup section of the page, click the radio button next to Home Page Location and enter this address: in the text entry box below the button.

If your browser is Microsoft Internet Explorer...

  1. Pull down the View menu and select Options.
  2. Select the Navigation tab.
  3. In the "Customize" section of the page, make sure "Start Page" is selected and enter: in the "Address" text entry box.

If you use America Online's browser...

  1. Launch AOL and go to the Internet for Version 3.0 and choose Go the Web for Version 4.0.
  2. When the AOL homepage appears, click on Prefs (the fifth button from the left at the top of the browser).
  3. Click on Navigation and in the field named Address type Click Apply and then OK
  4. Back on the AOL homepage, click the button marked Home and your home is now!

That's all there is to it!

The next time you start Netscape or Internet Explorer, you should automatically go to News Telegram's home page.


News Telegram
Your Home/Start Page

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